This is XNS: private label registrar
A private label registrar. That requires an explanation. XNS is not a regular registrar where you can register a new domain name. XNS only registers after market domain names that are offered for sale via Dovendi.

Active all over Europe
XNS arranges the registration of various European cc-TLD domain names. Directly via the national registry and in collaboration with local partners. XNS is a private registrar, which means that XNS is not a registrar for the ultimate holder or user of the domain name. You can arrange this via your website hosting partner.

Who does what
Various parties are involved in registering a new domain name or re-registering an existing name. In all cases these are the registry, the registrar and the registrant. When purchasing an existing domain name, you also have to deal with the party that offers the domain name, for example via a marketplace or directly from a domainer or broker.
The Dutch Association of Registrars
In the Netherlands, XNS is a member of the ‘Vereninging van Registrars’ (VvR), the trade association for all registrars. The activities of the VvR are aimed at sharing knowledge and a safer internet. Cyber security and preventing misuse of domain names is of course extremely important to us and we act accordingly.
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